Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Book

Working on the new book, and almost done with the first 50 pages. I've written them according to agent specifications. No back story. First page begins in the middle of action. Lots of conversation to drive the story. Showing, not telling, what is going on with the characters.

Not sure whether it's any good, but it's good practice. My goal one day is to write a novel of true literary merit, but for now, a commercial thriller is keeping me out of the pool hall.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome to the Blog

I've spent all day reading Agent's blogs and querying specific to their recommendations. No bites yet, but I have 41 pending queries. I realized I made a HUGE booboo in several of my queries. Apparently, agents despise prologues. My book starts with a prologue so I spent most of the afternoon revising the book. I still think it needs the prologue and that it adds a lot to the beginning, but I need to hook an agent more than I need artistic integrity right now.

More posts to come.